Sharing Your Story

God is a God of story…. as he works in the drama of our human lives. Jesus understood that sharing what God has done is spiritually significant … both for us and those who can draw from it. When Jesus first touched lives, he commonly told them to simply go tell others what he had done… to share their experience. He wasn’t worried that they didn’t know and understand enough to explain everything… nor that they hadn’t yet got all their lives in order. He knew there was value in just describing what they had experienced.

So it is with sharing our stories…. as testimonies of what God as done. They speak of who God truly is.

God’s history of saving and reclaiming His creation… and saving us from separation through Christ is the Gospel (Good News). Our own stories are reflections or illustrations of that work. Your story is the frame for the picture and the setting for the jewel. We are giving a personal account of how God has affected our lives.  Everyone has a story! 

Jesus said, “… go … tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.” - Mark 5:15-20 (NLT)

The women Jesus met at the well said to those in her village…"I've found a Man!" – John 4:28

"We can't help telling others!" – Acts 4:19-20 (They'd been told not to speak about Jesus and even threatened…but they were so excited about who Jesus is and what He can do!)

“No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:15-16 (NLT)

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” - 1 Peter 3:15

How to Share Our Story

 We can share our story best when we reflect and then identify the following:

  1.  What was missing before we knew Christ?

  2. How did we come to know Christ? (What was the realization?)

  3. How has knowing Christ changed us? (Our life, hope, hearts, values, etc.)

  • Begin writing about the above three parts of your story.

  • Ask God to help you recall and realize elements.

  • Include relevant, personal experiences with enough detail to help others understand your experience.

  • Think in terms of testifying rather than teaching. Remember that you are telling about the “hope that is in you”... so don’t focus on telling people what they should do...but rather allow your story to speak for itself.

Helpful questions to frame and develop your story…

My life BEFORE Christ:

Before I met Jesus my life was…

What did my life revolve around?

What issues or things were important to me?

What did I think of God? Of Jesus?

On what did I rely for security and happiness? 

Where did I search for answers?

Was I exposed to any other religion?

My encounter WITH Christ:

How I began to follow Christ…

Where was I? Alone in my room? At a church service?

Had others planted seeds in my heart that led up to this moment? 

What was the deciding factor in realizing my need for Jesus?                

Did someone lead me to Jesus?

How did I yield my life to Christ? What did I say?

My life IN Christ:

Since I made Jesus the Lord of my life…

Do I remember anything specifically happening initially?                    

How did God answer my prayers, or strengthen me in difficult situations?

How was I different than I was before?

How have the changes in my life influenced others around me?    


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